23 (Asta Mønsted) Artifacts and Echoes: Potential & Challenges in Connecting Arctic Oral...
Title: 'Artifacts and Echoes: Potential and Challenges in Connecting Arctic Oral Testimonies to Land and Objects' - Introduction to the works of new faculty at Scandinavian
Speaker: Asta Mønsted, Dept. of Scandinavian Studies, UC Berkeley
2024-10-23 (Asta Mønsted) Artifacts and Echoes: Potential & Challenges in Connecting Arctic Oral...
Title: 'Artifacts and Echoes: Potential and Challenges in Connecting Arctic Oral Testimonies to Land and Objects' - Introduction to the works of new faculty at Scandinavian
Speaker: Asta Mønsted, Dept. of Scandinavian Studies, UC Berkeley
2024-10-17 From the American Southwest to India's Deccan Plateau: John M Fritz at Hampi Vijayanagara
A closer look at some of the artifacts (Peña)
A lunch talk presentation by J. Theodore (Ted) Peña about the Pompeii Artifact Life History Project (PALHIP) conducted its final field season this past July, bringing to a close 10 years of fieldwork at Pompeii and some of the sites in its environs.
2024-10-02 PALHIP-A closer look at some of the artifacts (Peña)
A lunch talk presentation by J. Theodore (Ted) Peña about the Pompeii Artifact Life History Project (PALHIP) conducted its final field season this past July, bringing to a close 10 years of fieldwork at Pompeii and some of the sites in its environs.