Bartington Fluxgate Magnetometer purchased with a single license dongle of Terrasurveyor 3 software (formerly Archaeosurveyor). 

Windows only software. The current version of Terrasurveyor is 4 but use the v3 installer linked here as it functions with the ARF license dongle.

The Terrasurveyor USB dongle key on yellow lanyard is needed to run Terrasurveyor in non-Trial mode.

Common processing steps performed in Terrrasurveyor (after assembling contiguous grids) include 

  • Destripe
  • Despike
  • Clip (both ends where the histogram begins to rise)
  • Export to TIFF 

To connect the Serial cable for data download you will likely use a Serial-USB adapter. The ARF has a US Convertors XS880. We also have Prolific 2303 adapter. as

The US Convertors XS880 drivers and manuals

The Prolific driver

If you cannot run Terrasurveyor Bartington has a free program available for downloading and simple manipulation of data called GRAD601. The v3.16 (2019) software is linked here.

ARF Internal notes on Instrument [new tab]