The Archaeological Research Facility's community includes individuals from many departments at U.C. Berkeley as well scholars from the broader community who are engaged with archaeology in a variety of ways. See the list of current Faculty Affiliates and other affiliates, and read more about each category below.

ARF Faculty Affiliates

ARF Faculty Affiliates are U.C. Berkeley faculty from departments across campus. Any academic senate faculty member who is engaged in some way with archaeology is eligible to become an ARF Faculty Affiliate. Becoming an affiliate begins with a nomination by an existing ARF Affiliate and it is then taken to the ARF Advisory Committee for a vote. 

Visiting Scholars 

Visiting Scholars are individuals who possess a Ph.D. or its equivalent, and whose primary purpose for residence on the Berkeley campus is to conduct independent research. Appointments are for two years at a time, but they can be renewed through the Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs (VSPA) Office every two years for a maximum of eight years. The Visiting Scholar position is defined on the UC Berkeley VSPA program page. It is most appropriate for recent archaeology graduates who want to maintain affiliation. Visiting Scholars are granted a variety of privileges, including access to the University Library, access to certain campus parking facilities, and eligibility for membership in the campus sports recreational facility.  Visiting Scholar status does not guarantee assignment of an office or workspace. These must be negotiated with the sponsoring department or research unit.The scholar pays the VSPA program an annual University Services Fee. The scholar must submit their current CV to be on file with ARF.

Please note that previous and current UC staff and faculty, as well as all current UC students, are ineligible for this position.

ARF Research Associates

ARF Research Associates hold a university title that is without salary and is at no cost to ARF but it provides the researcher with university privileges. Their application must be approved by the VCR to receive this title. The Associate must submit their current CV to be on file with ARF, and Associates will regularly present their current research in talks and workshops.

ARF Partners

ARF Partners are scholars who have research relations with one or more ARF Faculty Affiliates and have been sponsored by an ARF Faculty Affiliate. These scholars may or may not be employed by the University.  They can remain ARF Partners for an unspecified length of time. They receive no university privileges unless these are provided through their faculty sponsor. 

Campus Colleagues

ARF Campus Colleagues are non-faculty affiliates who are based on the U.C. Berkeley campus. 

Other Affiliates

ARF Affiliated Graduate Students are students of ARF Faculty Affiliates who are involved with archaeological research as part of their progress towards a graduate degree from U.C. Berkeley.

Post-Doctoral Scholars are linked to ARF through an ARF Faculty Affiliate and fall into classifications defined on the UC Berkeley Post-doctoral Scholar page.

Visiting Graduate Students from another university visiting U.C. Berkeley for a specific length of time can be officially associated with ARF through the VSPA Visiting Student Researcher program.