Natasha Fernandez-Preston

Natasha Fernandez-Preston
Graduate Student

Natasha Fernandez-Preston is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley’s Department of Anthropology. Prior to her doctoral studies, Natasha completed her undergraduate degree in anthropology at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. Her undergraduate project studied the archaeological dimensions of food and colonialism in Puerto Rico, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Specifically, she used archival research and phytolith analysis to approach food practices.

Research Theme(s): 
Contemporary Archaeology, food sovereignty, neoliberalism

José Marrero Rosado

Jose Marrero Rosado
Graduate Student

My research interests focus on structural violence and infectious disease, and how we can study this through human skeletal remains. 

Research Theme(s): 
Bioarchaeology, structural violence, infectious disease, Historical Archaeology, molecular bioarchaeology

William A. White

Bill White
Affiliated Faculty

When he was four-years-old, Bill White decided he wanted to either be an astronaut or an archaeologist when he grew up. He decided to follow his dream career of doing archaeology as a teenager when he realized he was an inch too tall to fit into a NASA space suit. Since then, Bill has never looked back.

Northern Rockies, Carribean
Research Theme(s): 
Historical Archaeology