Excavation and Conservation of the Early Christian Basilica, Sanctuary of Zeus, Ancient Nemea

Nemea Greece

The multi-year project of the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology (DAGRS), the Excavation and Conservation of the Early Christian Basilica, at the Sanctuary of Zeus in Ancient Nemea, Greece, continued in 2023. The center and east ends of the 5thc. CE building were investigated including the nave, aisles, and apse, had been excavated in the 1920s and 1960s. We recorded all of the walls and individual blocks by drawing, photographing, and 3D scanning.

Pañamarca Collections Storage Management Project

Archaeologist and painter Pedro Neciosup illustrates a painted pillar at Pañamarca

Funding from the Stahl Endowment of the Archaeological Research Facility at the University of California, Berkeley is making possible the essential work of managing the archaeological collections from the ancient Moche (ca. 200–850 CE) site of Pañamarca on the north coast of Peru. This work builds upon Stahl-funded activities in 2014 that allowed for the AMS dating of sixteen samples of organic materials recovered from architectural construction and botanical offerings excavated at Pañamarca.