Demystifying the origin of the highly divergent chloroplast sequence found in Mexican archaeological sunflower remains

Sunflower sample

A crop domestication center emerged ~5000 years ago in Eastern North America. Native Americans in this area transformed several wild plant species, including sunflower (Helianthus annuus) into staple crops. Archaeological evidence from Eastern North America and genomic evidence from extant cultivated and wild sunflower supports this narrative, and it was once thought that cultivated sunflower did not reach Mexico until after European colonizers established trade routes.

The Archaeology of Pets

These days, many of us are spending a lot more time in close quarters with our cats and dogs. About half of US households have pets- millions of dogs and cats in roughly equal numbers. This week's Archaeology at Home theme celebrates the millennia-old relationship between people and their pets. So cuddle up with your furry friend and enjoy some of this week's resources!

Let's start with two podcasts:

See the complete list of Archaeology at Home entries