Samuel Adams Limekiln Archaeology Project

Stahl funds contributed to David’s 2017 dissertation field research at the Samuel Adams Limekilns on Wilder Ranch State Park in Santa Cruz County, California. The goal of this project is to better understand the everyday lives and relations of a diverse set of laborers who lived and worked at the site from 1858 until 1906. Of particular interest are the ways in which broader changes to California, including widespread immigration, industrialization, and transportation advancements affected power dynamics and social relations between different labor groups. Eight weeks of fieldwork focused on excavations at various locations across the site, resulting in the recovery of a rich and diverse collection of materials now being analyzed in the Historical Archaeology Laboratory, UC Berkeley. The project was conducted as a field school and 13 undergraduate students from UC Berkeley and other local institutions provided invaluable labor as they learned and implemented field methods and techniques.

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