A Revolution in Ruins: Historical Archaeology of Land Reform in Southwestern Queretaro, Mexico

A Revolution in Ruins: Historical Archaeology of Land Reform in Southwestern Queretaro, Mexico

In 2019, Stahl Foundation funding supported my dissertation fieldwork in southwestern Queretaro, Mexico. In Queretaro, research efforts largely focused on amassing a body of research materials associated with land reform. In particular, Stahl Foundation funding supported trips to manuscript depositories which resulted in the recovery of a significant amount of digital surrogates of archival material from local and state depositories.

TAPHOS 2018 Season in Aidonia Greece

Excavations at Aidonia

The Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology excavated, in the 2018 season, at the Late Bronze Age site of Aidonia in Greece, in collaboration with Dr. Konstantinos Kissas of the Korinthian Ephorate of Antiquites. Kim Shelton and her team of graduate and undergraduate students completed excavation of one Mycenaean chamber tomb and explored several graves and domestic features dating to the Late Roman and Byzantine periods.

University of California at Berkeley