Residential Mobility, Food Diversity and Landscape Practice at the Goshono Site, Iwate Prefecture

Together with two Berkeley graduate students and one undergraduate apprentice, I conducted field and laboratory research in Japan in summer 2020 1) to analyze floral remains obtained from the Middle Jomon Goshono site, Ichinohe Town, Iwate Prefecture, and 2) to process additional soil samples for further analysis. At the laboratory of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto, we floated soil samples that were previously collected from several pit-dwellings within the site, and sorted both the light and heavy fractions with a guidance from Dr. Yumiko Ito of Aomori Prefecture.

Ancient Explorers of Cyprus: Traversing Land and Sea in the Epipalaeolithic

The Ancient Seafaring Explorers in Cyprus (ASEC) project conducted its inaugural field season from September 10-September 20, 2019. The goals of the project are to investigate the earliest occupation of the island, specifically the Late Epi-Palaeolithic through early Neolithic periods, (ca. 10,000 -8000 years ago). The project aims to reveal evidence for the nature of these early hunter-gatherer occupations at sites on the south coast of Cyprus, both on land and those submerged by rising sea levels over subsequent millennia.