Gender Representation on Anthropoid Coffins
Becky Martin, Boston University
January 25, 2024, 9:30am Pacific time
Series: Phoenician Women and Gender Performance in the Homeland and Diasporas
Organizers: Aaron Brody, Helen Dixon, Sarah Kansa, Melissa Cradic
Sponsors: Badè Museum, Pacific School of Religion; East Carolina University; Archaeological Research Facility
Image Credits
• Beirut, National Museum of Beirut (Ford Collection): Lebanon Untravelled
• Cádiz, Museo de Cádiz: ©Ángel M. Felicísimo
• Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 431: ©Richard Mortel
• Istanbul, Archaeological Museum 740, 1433: author’s own
• Istanbul, Archaeological Museum 798, 799: Hamdy-Reinach 1892; ©Jessica Nitschke
• Istanbul, Archaeological Museum 800: Hamdy-Reinach 1892
• Larnaka, Archaeological Museum of the Larnaka: ©omagocs; ©Netanel Sananes
• New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 74.51.2454: Metropolitan Museum of Art
• Paris, Louvre Museum AO 1031, 4801: ©1998 RMN-Grand Palais (Musée du Louvre)/Hervé Lewandowski (
• Paris, Louvre Museum AO 4803: ©1998 Musée du Louvre/Christian Larrieu (
• Paris, Louvre Museum AO 4806: ©2019 Musée du Louvre/Raphaël Chipault (
• Paris, Louvre Museum MNB 1293: ©2007 RMN-Grand Palais (Musée du Louvre)/René-Gabriel Ojéda (
Monographs and Recent Texts
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