Air Date: 
Thursday, December 12th, 2024

Sponsors: Badè Museum, Pacific School of Religion, Archaeological Research Facility

This lecture is part of the series Migration, Borderlands, and Social Boundaries in Antiquity. This program of public lectures takes place monthly on Thursdays at 9:30 AM Pacific, from September 2024 through May 2025.

Watch on the ARF YouTube channel here: or watch later on the ARF & Badè YouTube channels.

Lectures in this series:
Migration, Borderlands, and Social Boundaries in Antiquity

September 26, 2024
Denise Demetriou
Phoenician Immigrants in the Ancient Mediterranean: Integration, Identity, and Immigration?

October 3
Joseph Greene
Canaan's Seed: Ancient Near Eastern Folkways in the Western Mediterranean

November 14 (rescheduled to Jan 9, 2025)
Ann Killebrew
Early Israel and the Philistines: The Materiality of Migrants, Refugees, and Colonizers at the End of the Bronze Age

December 12
Megan Perry
Movers and Shakers: Exploring Migration in the Classical Period Near East Using Bone Chemistry

January 30, 2025
Marvin Wiser
‘Their Servitude I Loosened:’ A Reexamination of Persian Period Judean Re-migration in Light of the U.S. Bracero and Border Industrialization Programs

February 20
Jana Mokrišová
Shifting Boundaries, Moving People? Investigating Change in Archaic Western Anatolia

March 13
Danielle Candelora
Egyptian Borderlands: Immigration in the Eastern Delta in the Second Millennium BCE

April 3
Sarit Paz
Caucasus Connections: Kura-Araxes Migration and Diaspora in the 3rd Millennium BCE, a View from the Southern Levant

May 15
Lissette Jiménez
Archaism as Resistance in the Funerary Art of Roman Era Thebes

Suggested Resoucres
Al-Shorman, A., M.A. Perry, and D. Coleman. (2025) Ancient mobility in northern Jordan during the Roman and Byzantine periods using stable strontium isotope analysis of human dental enamel. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 61: 104879

Perry, M.A. (2018) ‘Anatomy of restlessness:’ strontium isotopes and human migration in the Greco-Roman Near East. Pp. 187-213 in: Migration and Migrant Identities in the Near East from Antiquity to Middle Ages, J. Yoo, A. Zerbini, and C. Barron, eds. London: Routledge.

Perry, M.A., C. Jennings, and D. Coleman. (2017) Strontium isotope evidence for long-distance immigration into the Byzantine port city of Aila, modern Aqaba, Jordan. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9:943-964.

Perry, M.A., D. Coleman, and A.H. al-Shiyab. (2012) ‘Damnatio ad metallum’: investigating the origin and role of Phaeno mining camp residents using multiple chemical techniques. Pp. 145-153 in: The Dead Tell Tales: Jane E. Buikstra and Narratives of the Past. B. Ó Donnabháin and M. Lozado, eds. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles. DOI:10.2307/j.ctvdjrq6v.22

Perry, M.A., Coleman D.S., Dettman D., Grattan J.P., and A.H. al-Shiyab. (2011) Condemned to metallum: The origin and role of 4th – 6th century A.D. Phaeno mining camp residents using multiple chemical techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science 38:558-569.

Perry, M.A., Drew S. Coleman, David L. Dettman, and Abdel Halim al-Shiyab. (2009) An isotopic perspective on the transport of Byzantine mining camp laborers into southwestern Jordan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140:429-441.

Perry, Megan A., D. Coleman, and N. Delhopital.(2008) Mobility and exile at 2nd century A.D. Khirbet edh-Dharih: strontium isotope analysis of human migration in western Jordan. Geoarchaeology 23:528-549.