Sponsors: Badè Museum, Pacific School of Religion, Archaeological Research Facility
This lecture is part of the series Migration, Borderlands, and Social Boundaries in Antiquity. This program of public lectures takes place monthly on Thursdays at 9:30 AM Pacific, from September 2024 through May 2025.
Watch on the ARF YouTube channel here: https://bit.ly/arf-channel or watch later on the ARF & Badè YouTube channels.
Lectures in this series:
Migration, Borderlands, and Social Boundaries in Antiquity
September 26, 2024
Denise Demetriou
Phoenician Immigrants in the Ancient Mediterranean: Integration, Identity, and Immigration?
October 3
Joseph Greene
Canaan's Seed: Ancient Near Eastern Folkways in the Western Mediterranean
December 12
Megan Perry
Movers and Shakers: Exploring Migration in the Classical Period Near East Using Bone Chemistry
January 9, 2025 (rescheduled from November 14)
Ann Killebrew
Early Israel and the Philistines: The Materiality of Migrants, Refugees, and Colonizers at the End of the Bronze Age
January 30, 2025
Marvin Wiser
‘Their Servitude I Loosened:’ A Reexamination of Persian Period Judean Re-migration in Light of the U.S. Bracero and Border Industrialization Programs
February 20 (Rescheduled to April 17)
Jana Mokrišová
Shifting Boundaries, Moving People? Investigating Change in Archaic Western Anatolia
March 13
Danielle Candelora
Egyptian Borderlands: Immigration in the Eastern Delta in the Second Millennium BCE
April 3
Sarit Paz
Caucasus Connections: Kura-Araxes Migration and Diaspora in the 3rd Millennium BCE, a View from the Southern Levant
May 15
Lissette Jiménez
Archaism as Resistance in the Funerary Art of Roman Era Thebes