Crystal Reiss

Crystal Reiss

As ARF administrative staff, Crystal manages ARF's endowment program including the Stahl funding for field research and travel, and equipment purchases by the Braun committee.

She works on Tuesdays and Fridays 12pm-5pm.

Nicholas Tripcevich

Nico Tripcevich

Nico Tripcevich has a Ph.D. in Anthropology (UC Santa Barbara, 2007) and a B.A. in Geography (Montana, 1994). As an ARF staff member he manages six laboratories and the instruments and permits associated with these labs. He manages the computing resources at the ARF including desktop and mobile systems, licenses, and more recently as a partner in the virtual machine distribution provided by Research IT.

Chivay Peru, Huanca Sancos Peru, Arica Chile
Research Theme(s): 
Obsidian geochemistry, Andean interaction, Geospatial methods

ARF Building second floor