Nico Tripcevich has a Ph.D. in Anthropology (UC Santa Barbara, 2007) and a B.A. in Geography (Montana, 1994). As an ARF staff member he manages six laboratories and the instruments and permits associated with these labs. He manages the computing resources at the ARF including desktop and mobile systems, licenses, and more recently as a partner in the virtual machine distribution provided by Research IT. Nico organizes the Practical Workshops series for the ARF and coordinates the ARF's open access publication program including ARF Reports published on the CDL eScholarship and the ARF Contributions monograph series.
Nico Tripcevich has been conducting archaeological research in central Andes since 1999 focusing on obsidian quarrying and geochemistry, the Andean caravanning tradition, geophysics, and geospatial analysis methods in archaeology. He has authored a number of articles and edited Mining and Quarrying in the Ancient Andes (2012) edited by N. Tripcevich and K. Vaughn, New York: Springer and The Archaeology of Andean Pastoralism (2016) edited by J. Capriles and N. Tripcevich, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. For a compete list of publications see this page.