International Obsidian Conference 2021
- Conference Updates
- Local Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Technical Information
- Student Poster Award
Venue: Virtual Conference
View IOC 2021 talks on Youtube
IOC 2021 Program PDF
All 2021 Posters are available in this PDF file
Hosted by the Archaeological Research Facility (ARF) at UC Berkeley, the International Association of Obsidian Studies (IAOS), and Far Western Research Group, Inc.
April 30 - May 2, 2021
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the updated International Obsidian Conference (IOC 2021) to be held virtually from April 30 – May 2, 2021.
Our aim is to invite specialists on all aspects of obsidian studies extending from natural sciences to anthropology. Following prior meetings, we intend for the conference to remain global in scope and encourage contributions from any geographical region, yet highlight obsidian studies in the Americas. Because the geologies of North America are so diverse, we also aim to include semi-glassy fine-grained volcanics (FGV) used by Amerindians in the Great Basin and other regions in the Americas.
Suggestions for conference sessions and themes:
- Formation and geology of obsidian and FGV
- Sources, their characterization, and archaeological distributions
- Analytical and methodological aspects
- Archaeological obsidian and FGV by chronological periods
- Lithic technology and use-wear studies
- Theoretical and cultural concerns (e.g., materiality, itineraries, tool stone resource management or control strategies)
Local Organizing Committee
● Nicholas Tripcevich – University of California Berkeley, Archaeological Research Facility
● Lisa Maher – University of California Berkeley, Anthropology
● Lucas R. M. Johnson – Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc.
● Kyle Freund – Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc.
● Tom Origer – Origer and Associates
Scientific Committee
● Biró, Katalin - Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary
● Glascock, Michael - University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA
● Kuzmin, Yaroslav - Institute of Geology & Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
● Le Bourdonnec, François-Xavier - Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Pessac, France
● Lexa, Jaroslav - Earth Sciences Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
● Markó, András - Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary
● Ono, Akira - Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
● Torrence, Robin - Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia
● Tykot, Robert - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
● Vianello, Andrea - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
Partnering Institutions
UC Berkeley
Contact Persons
The conference email address is obsidian2021@gmail.com. Please direct questions to this address.
Kyle Freund, Ph.D.; Lucas R. M. Johnson, Ph.D.; Nicholas (Nico) Tripcevich, Ph.D.
Technical Information
Duration and Dates: 3 days, April 30 – May 2, 2021
Location: Online, to be held from 9am-5pm Pacific Standard Time
Keynote Speech: Dr. Steven Shackley, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley begins at 9:30am Friday.
Presentation Logistics: Because our conference is international, those participants in other time zones beyond Pacific Daylight Time may wish to submit a pre-recorded asynchronous presentation to be viewed during the conference.
Oral Contributions: Oral contributions will be 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. Please prepare them in common presentation format (e.g., PowerPoint).
Poster Presentations: The posters can be either portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation and their size must not exceed A0 (841 x 1189 mm). Please submit posters to the email obsidian2021@gmail by Wednesday April 28th at 5 PM PDT. The posters will be combined into a multipage PDF shared and the text "PRESENTER PERMISSION REQUIRED FOR REUSE OF POSTER CONTENT" will appear below each poster.
Abstracts: must not exceed 300 words
Language: The official language of the conference is English.
Registration has closed for presenting a paper.
Deadline for attendees: April 15, 2021 for attendees
Submission location: https://forms.gle/JnaWkzRuuxQMV4ZQ6
Registration Fee: None
The conference is free for participants and attendees. We do ask that you become a member of the International Association of Obsidian Studies (IAOS) as a courtesy for IAOS helping to organize the conference and pay for any incidental costs.
Four membership tiers are available:
- IAOS Student Registration $10 USD
- IAOS Regular Membership $20 USD
- IAOS Institutional Membership $50 USD
- IAOS Lifetime Membership $200 USD
Publication of Proceedings
Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility, Berkeley: https://arf.berkeley.edu/publications/contribution-series
Conference Homepage: http://arf.berkeley.edu/projects/ioc2021
Student Poster Award
In other conference news, the Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS) will award the R.E. Taylor Award to the best student poster. The award is $100 plus a free one year membership to the SAS.
Conference contact information: obsidian2021@gmail.com