Grotto of Tiberius: Scenes from the Odyssey and Iliad

 Thanks to the Stahl Award, I was able to travel to complete fieldwork in Sperlonga, Italy in June 2022. The project in Sperlonga involves the digital documentation of thousands of marble fragments from the so-called “Grotto of Tiberius” – an ancient cave decorated in the Roman period with an elaborate sculptural program depicting scenes from the Iliad and Odyssey. This year, my work in Sperlonga involved the sorting, counting, categorization, and documentation of sculptural fragments related to a sculpture known as the Pasquino Group. Experimental records, including those produced through 3-d scanning with LiDAR, and more traditional photographic documentation were both integrated into a bespoke database. These efforts were made possible by the help of several volunteers and executed under the supervision of the Museum staff.

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