New archaeology peer-reviewed blog: Then Dig
The ARF is hosting a new archaeology blog. New blog post titles appear in a panel on the ARF's website.
The ARF is hosting a new archaeology blog. New blog post titles appear in a panel on the ARF's website.
"Archaeology of and in the Contemporary World" is the theme of next year's TAG-USA conference (May 6-8, 2011).
Professor C. Hastorf discussing the archaeology of beer brewing appeared in a recent post at Scientific American.
ARF Outreach to Middle Schools gets a writeup in the local news.
Professor P.V. Kirch has published "How Chiefs Became Kings: Divine Kingship and the Rise of Archaic States in Ancient Hawai'i"
ARF Director L. Wilkie has published "The Lost Boys of Zeta Psi", a historical archaeology study of the fraternity housed in what is now the ARF building.
The Lost Boys of Zeta Psi, 2010, University of California Press
ARF affliate M. Alami's book Art and Architecture in the Islamic Tradition: Aesthetics,
Politics, and Desire in Early Islam has been announced.
Published by IB Tauris Publishers, London-New York, the book will be released next month.
The Archaeological Institute of America offers several Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants for archaeological research and publications.
Graduate student Brandon Nida is focusing on the 1921 conflict as mountaintop removal threatens the area.
The ARF is selling printed editions of its monograph series for only $2 apiece starting April 12th! See the list of available titles below.
Prices: New volumes are $2, samples / damaged copies are 50 cents. These will be available for on-site purchase starting April 12th. For off-site purchases, shipping and a $5.00 handling charge will be added to every order.